WARNING: This Review May Contain Spoilers In case it hasn’t become apparent with a few of these articles, people have a habit of thinking that 80s films clearly weren’t good enough and decide to remake them. Now, 80s horrors are some of my favourite films and I will want to protect the ones I’ve seen …
September 2022
Singer to Actor: Ice-T
WARNING: This Article May Contain Spoilers I’ll be honest, outside of maybe Eminem, Dr Dre, Snoop Dogg and a little bit of Busta Rhymes – I have little to no interest in rap music. Because of this Ice-T was never on my radar. Of course, I knew who he was because of songs he’s featured …
Dutch Horror
WARNING: This Article May Contain Spoilers Unless it is just the coincidence of most of the films I’ve found but it seems that the Dutch do like their slasher films. There’s actually a few films on this list that I would willingly watch again – may be not for a while so that I forget …
Cersei AKA Gemma Chan
WARNING: This Article May Contain Spoilers No, I don’t mean Cersei Lannister, that’s Lena Headey and Game of Thrones. This Cersei is powerful superhero from The Eternals. I believe I mentioned before when I discussed Salma Hayek that I had no idea who the Eternals were before I saw the film so it was hard …