Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS
All The World's A Stage

Indian Horror

WARNING: This Article May Contain Spoilers I’ll be honest, Indian cinema in general has never really interested me, let alone Indian horror films. I had such a worry but they were going to be full of out of context dancing and singing (wait for it). Now, I won’t say I’m converted but some of the …

Extreme Fear Can Neither Fight Nor Fly


WARNING: This Article May Contain Spoilers Iatrophobia is just a posh way of referring to ‘White Coat Syndrome’ in my opinion. This is something I won’t deny that I suffer from, may be not to such an extreme that I would refer to it as a phobia but there’s definitely been medical professionals in the …


Horror By Numbers Pt 1

WARNING: This Article May Contain Spoilers Now, some people may just see this as a lazy of me creating more articles, and I guess in some ways it can be seen that way. However, I think this was a nice way of covering horror films without having a specific theme that connected their plots. Buckle …

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