WARNING: This Article May Contain Spoilers

Now, some people may just see this as a lazy of me creating more articles, and I guess in some ways it can be seen that way. However, I think this was a nice way of covering horror films without having a specific theme that connected their plots. Buckle in everybody, this will be the first of many…


                Now, those of you who have read my South Korean Horror article will be aware of my love for their style of film making! Especially as they like to hit you with horror straight away, and it’s exactly the same for this film. I’ve said it many times before about Ouija boards and not messing with the other side…I didn’t know until this film that supposedly there was a specific sound frequency that could supposedly reach through – but why would you want to? Surely, it’s much more unpredictable? I also love the fact that all communication is via radio frequencies, it is something a little different to the regular spirit communication. Being someone with long hair, the fact that this seems to be the evil spirit’s weapon of choice, actually freaked me out a little bit. I even jumped a little when the doll starts shifting for no reason – and for me that’s a mark of a good horror film!


                I want to start off by saying I love the idyllic opening to this film, how perfect everyone in the apartment building comes across. It almost reminds me of Rosemary’s Baby and the people living at the Bramford. I think I mislead myself into thinking that the apartment Sarah would be moving into was 1BR but she actually lives in 209. At first I was expecting this to be a psychological horror, maybe because I didn’t want it to be real that Giles the cat had been put in an oven! I was prepared for everyone in the building to be involved, somewhere along the line – especially when Edie went wandering – but I didn’t expect any of it to be revealed so quickly! I think the writer could have taken a leaf out of Ira Levin’s book (literally) and made it seem like Sarah was going crazy but then again, the plot of this is pretty disturbing on its own! I don’t want to say too much because truthfully, I want to recommend this film to anyone who will listen!

Two Heads Creek

                Let’s face it, we all knew it wasn’t going to be long before a comedy horror reared its head! I’ll be honest, it does take a little while for the film to get going – yes, the people of Two Heads Creek are a little kooky but there’s not exactly much horror about it. Actually, may be kooky is an understatement as Norman catches one of them naked with a dead body! Again, yes – the town has a dark secret but it only really seems to be talked about instead of actually seeing any of it until 1 hour in! However, I do love the fact that we see a boomerang being used for its intended purpose, a weapon! I found the comedy quite dry and for a British film, that is pretty rare. There is even quite an ‘on-the-nose’ joke about the cannibalism when Norman finds the wine bottle labelled A Nice Chianti – clearly a reference to Silence of the Lambs. This might be the first time I’ve openly said this about a film but I was unfortunately rather bored by the time any of the real killing started. 5 minutes of killing does not constitute a horror film in my eyes!

3 Hours Till Dead

                Nobody panic – there isn’t a 3 hour wait for people to die, especially as the film is only an hour and 20 minutes long! I’m not actually sure why it’s called 3 Hours Till Dead because it doesn’t take 3 hours for them to turn but you also can’t quite tell the time span of the events that take place either. The fact that our lead character has a secret from when he was in the army – you do start to wonder if he’s connected to the outbreak. However, in the end, this actually had no relevance to the story at all! Nothing really happens for around 25 minutes following the opening scene but you know it’s a bad situation when the 911 operator is panicking! It’s not the best zombie film but it does follow the typical rules and I do love a film with a small cast!

Four Flies on Grey Velvet

                So originally, I was looking at doing The Fourth Kind or The Fourth Floor but as I couldn’t get hold of either – I went for a little search and stumbled across this. Like some of the other Argento films I’ve watched, this is meant to be a psychological horror instead of all out gore but previously that has meant it has come across as more of a mystery/thriller than a horror film. However, this definitely has more of a slasher film feel to it at times and the mask worn by the psychopath blackmailing Roberto is pretty damn creepy! I’ll be honest, I had so many different theories on who the killer was as the film went on but the actual outcome never crossed my mind. I figured it was woman, but got the wrong one!

5 Girls

                I’ll be honest, I really struggled to get into this film and I actually started to find Head Mistress Pierce a little bit irritating and I didn’t trust her from the beginning. Turns out I was right not to as she was using the girls to release Elizabeth. I guess she’s not all bad because she was trying to free a friend but not exactly the nicest way to go about it! I also wondered if Father Drake knows her plan all along. Now, because this happens with about half an hour left to the film and it seems she’s been unsuccessful – you start to think where the rest of the film could go. Well, it goes to a pretty dark place! I’m just going to point out that dark does not mean scary, and this film definitely isn’t scary. It sounds bad, but I think this would have been a better film if it didn’t have such a positive ending.

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