Showing: 1 - 10 of 41 RESULTS
Before They Were Marvel-ous Heroes

The Thing AKA Jamie Bell

WARNING: This Article May Contain Spoilers I have a confession! I have never actually seen the version of Fantastic Four where Jamie Bell plays the Thing but I did have my reservations based on a personal comparison between him and Michael Chiklis who had played the same character previously. Snowpiercer                 I’m not going to …

Before They Were Marvel-ous Heroes

Nebula AKA Karen Gillan

WARNING: This Article May Contain Spoilers Interestingly, throughout the comic books – Nebula is actually seen as a villain whereas in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (which is what we are specifically focusing on here) she is more of an anti-hero, changing from one of Thanos’ lackeys to siding with her adopted sister as one of …

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