Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS
Beware the Video Nasty

Beware The Video Nasty

An Introduction Video Nasty (def): A term coined by Mary Whitehouse that has become a British colloquialism referring to a number of low-budget horror and exploitation films.                 I want to take you on a journey, over several articles in fact, through the films that were once considered as ‘video nasties’. Because of this, I …


The Beautiful Game – First Half

WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS SPOILERS The Beautiful Game. A Game of Two Halves. What am I talking about? I’m talking FOOTBALL. Football is, probably, England’s favourite sport with at least 70% of the UK population watching the Premier League every week. Even those that do not claim to follow the sport show their colours and …

To Remake or Not To Remake

Code Name: Trixie

WARNING: This Review May Contain Spoilers OK, the title of this review may leave some of you wondering what the hell I’m on about. Well, Code Name: Trixie is actually another name for the original 1973 film The Crazies directed by George A. Romero (with the mention of that name some of you in the …

All The World's A Stage

Australian Horror

WARNING: This Article May Contain Spoilers Aussie horror can usually go one of two ways – extremely cheesy or down right terrifying. However, a few of the films mentioned below do slightly take the road less travelled and end up somewhere in between. I’m gutted to say that I was unable to get hold of …

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